Friday, January 31, 2014

Thousands Gather at Western Wall Praying for Delivery from US Peace Plan

"Thousands of Israeli Jewish hardliners gathered at the Western Wall imploring God to throw a wrench in a peace plan proposed by US Secretary of State John Kerry, which would see a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem and other territorial compromises. Police say around 2,000 people attended the gathering in Jerusalem’s Old City, where participants called on God to strike fear in the hearts of those who might cause harm to the land of Israel."
"In a not-so-veiled reference to Kerry’s role in peace negotiations, [Housing Minister Uri] Ariel said “thousands of people came to pray for the people of Israel, to strengthen the government and the one who stands at its head, that he may be able to stand firm against the different pressures coming from the other side of the ocean,” Israeli National News reported."

Click HERE for full article

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hidden Symbols: Monster Drink

I believe that everything is created for a reason. I also believe that most people walk by things every day and never see the symbolism that their creator intended.

Don't believe me? Here is a website with over 50 of the largest, well-known companies and the symbols they hid in their logos:   55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages

Now look at this one:    .....interesting, don't you think?  Hidden in plain sight and masked in a double entendre for the purpose of deceit.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Video Of the Week: Final Warning To America

I remember seeing this video back in August when it was originally posted. VERY interesting point of view. And just to note: the 9 months that Pastor Farag mentions in the video will land us right in the middle of May 2014.

I agree with everything he says except the pre-trib rapure theory. I'll share my thoughts on the tribulation and the rapture in a different post, maybe later this week.

Enjoy - and let me know your thoughts!

Monday, January 27, 2014

2014 Grammy's Illuminati Occult Ceremony

Wow! Lots happened during the Grammy's. I didn't see it, but I did see and hear all the ruckus following it, and for that reason... I'm really glad I didn't see it.

I wanted to share some information that I've collected, which talks about the blatant evil and demonic influence over the entire show. Evil is stepping more and more into the spotlight and it is starting to infiltrate public places in order to be broadcast more globally. It's all about deception and masking symbolism into performances by claiming "artistic" expression.

Click HERE to view full article

Doc Marquis, the gentleman being interviewed in the video below, believes that the occult will be the dominant religion during last days. He believes that once the church is raptured off the earth, the occult will literally seize the world.

Here is his quote from the video: (let this sink in)
"If we look at the figures put out by the World Wide Counsel of Churches, if their figures are accurate, there are approximately 1 million people every year in America alone that are being added and initiated into one occult group or another. This is astounding and frightening but it's also prophetical. Let's reference Revelations 18:23, the whole world is going to be handed over to the Anti-Christ through the occult. In order for that to happen, we have to see a resurgence... greater now, than in all of history. That's why you're seeing this resurgence of the "old religions", as they're called. Let's face it, the old gods are coming back and they're becoming predominant."

Friday, January 24, 2014

Palestine Drops US-Israel Peace Treaty, Meets with Russia Instead

"Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) launched his “diplomatic intifada” against Israel and exits from the Kerry peace initiative Thursday, Jan. 23, from Moscow. His meetings with President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev marked his breakaway from the US-led peace process with Israel, four months before it was due to expire, and signaled his bid for Russian backing for a Palestinian state. The Palestinian leader’s defection caught both Secretary of State John Kerry and Prime Minister Binyamin unprepared – and surprised their intelligence agencies."

Click HERE for full article

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Book Review: Fallen Angels and The Origins of Evil

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I've added a few books to my library! Go check out my titles and strap yourself in for some interesting and controversial reads!

I am including a disclaimer on this book:

It was brought to my attention that the author may have been a New Age minister and possibly involved in occultism, which I am completely against

This book stays focused on the story of Enoch and reinforces its validity by quoting the early church fathers and their struggle to either accept or reject its cannon. It contains not only the author's thesis on the subject of the fallen angels and their agenda, but also includes the full books of Enoch and Jubilees, as well as a side-by-side parallel of scriptures within the Bible that appear to be direct quotes from Enoch. This proves that the ancients, including Jesus, were very familiar with the story of Enoch and quoted from it freely. 

This is a great book to read if you are just learning about the story of Enoch or want historical information and commentary about its origin. I thought it was a fabulous read, and the author gave a very well rounded approach to the topic.

I have not personally read any other content from this author, so I feel it necessary to warn you:
 If you plan on reading other materials from this author, PLEASE make certain that it stays faithful to scripture.