Monday, July 14, 2014

Israel Fighting For Its Life

"Of course, it must strike back hard, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears resolved that the Hamas that started this war will not be the same Hamas when it is over. How and when we get there remains unknown, but one thing we do know is how we got where we are.

The reality is that Gaza, an unoccupied Palestinian state with its own elected government, is a terrorist state.
It does not want to live in peace with Israel, no matter the borders. It refuses to accept Israel’s right to exist within any borders.

That is the central fact fueling the conflict, and yet President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry continue to insist that Israel negotiate with a so-called unity government that includes Hamas and the West Bank leaders of Fatah. But as Israelis put it, how do you negotiate with someone whose single aim is to kill you?

Very, very carefully, that’s how. And you certainly don’t give up land that will make it easier for your enemy to attack you.

The demand that Israel negotiate with Hamas is especially rich coming from Obama. He refuses even to negotiate with Republicans, whom he seems to regard as terrorists because they don’t agree with him. Israel, ­unfortunately, has to deal with the real thing."

Actor John Voight's Message for America

'American Horror Story' New Season Titled: Fallen Angel

I'll be the first to tell you that I do NOT watch American Horror Story... nor do I watch anything that is intended to be strange/demonic or scary. I'd rather not expose my spirit to that type of energy. I'm sharing this because I thought it was fascinating that they've named their entire upcoming season "Fallen Angel". 

I have an entire section of my blog devoted to the story of the fallen angels found in the book of Enoch and also the book of Genesis. I find it incredibly fascinating that this name was chosen - and that the public is being exposed to the terminology of what Revelations says will one day return to earth at the end of days.

"It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand. I heard their number.
17 The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. 18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths." ~ Revelations 9:14-18

Monday, July 7, 2014

America: Imagine A World Without Her

Anyone who hasn't seen this movie, must get to the nearest theater to see it! It was a great movie that I highly recommend. It made me cry. We have such a beautiful country that, throughout history, has made some notable mistakes, but we are the greatest country that has ever been. The most giving, caring, hospitable and welcoming country in history.

"Box-office returns for “America” on Friday were up 60 percent from Thursday, with competitors, “Tammy” up only 17 percent, “Earth to Echo” up 5 percent and “Deliver Us From Evil” down 5 percent." MORE

Here is a brief clip from the movie: a snippet of Bono speaking about the beauty of the 'idea' of America.

What is Happening On Our Border?! Part 2

Kelly concluded his appeal before the House Armed Services Committee by arguing the U.S. needs to call upon and equip the military to protect our southern border, now more than ever.

“Some of my counterparts perceive that the United States is disengaging from the region and from the world in general,” Kelly said. “We should remember that our friends and allies are not the only ones watching our actions closely. … And in the meantime, drug traffickers, criminal networks, and other actors, unburdened by budget cuts, cancelled activities, and employee furloughs, will have the opportunity to exploit the partnership vacuum left by reduced U.S. military engagement.”  MORE

Congressman Hunter posted a letter online, which was addressed to Mayor Abed and requested denial of the Health and Human Services permit application, listing annual costs of running the facility at $6-7 million and stating, “The solution must involve changes to the [Obama] Administration’s underlying immigration policies and a commitment to return the children to their homes as soon as possible.”

$457,947,289 in taxpayer money has been awarded in HHS government grants to Southwest Key, mostly for programs and services dedicated to unaccompanied alien children according to amounts tracked through TAGGS. MORE

The email, with the subject line “UACs,” continues, “The appropriate messaging on documents should be using the term : unaccompanied children all lower case. (Unless capitalizing would be grammatically correct).”

ICE did not respond to requests for comment.

While ICE has been discouraged from using UAC as an official term, Customs and Border Protection is still using “unaccompanied alien children” (ages 0-17 years old) as an official term as it tallies the number it is apprehending at unprecedented levels along the southwest border.

From October 1 to June 15, more than 52,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors have been detained crossing the border. MORE

What is Happening On Our Border?! Part 1

"The counselor reports that measles, chicken pox, strep throat, lice, and scabies are pandemic in the camp; moreover, she warns that many of the children and young people have severe psychological and emotional problems.

Yet it gets even worse. A former camp nurse told Starnes that the facility was being inundated with migrants to an extent where it was impossible to control the disease. The nurse “became especially alarmed because their files indicated the children had been transported to Lackland on domestic charter buses and airplanes,” writes Starnes. In other words, there likely were no measures taken to prevent infestation because the carriers didn’t know about the scabies bugs and lice the children were carrying. Consequently, Americans traveling on those buses and airplanes now may pick the parasites up — and spread them to others." MORE

As thousands of illegal-alien children, prompted by President Obama’s policies, overwhelm the capacity of southern border states, Border Patrol agents who essentially have been turned into child caretakers are being exposed to disease, Savage said.

“Right now, you’re not going to hear this, but we have Tuberculosis, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, Chagas disease – previously eradicated from Southern California – on the rise and testing positive in … Border Patrol agents,” Savage said.
Other diseases emerging among Border Patrol agents, he said, include H1N1 Swine flu and chicken pox.

“The Border Patrol is being threatened with lawsuits and firing if they disclose this,” he said. “Congressmen are being turned away from the border as they go to investigate this surge of infected illegal aliens being thrown across the border at us.” MORE

"Several dozen protesters, some waving U.S. flags and signs denouncing illegal immigration, converged Tuesday outside the Border Patrol facility in Murrieta. The buses finally backed away from the facility. Their destination was not immediately known.

The protesters are upset that 136 migrants — mainly families and children — were flown to San Diego from Texas on Tuesday.

U.S. authorities are trying to deal with tens of thousands of immigrants, many of them unescorted children, who since October have flooded across the U.S. border with Mexico in the Rio Grande Valley.

The case could easily be made that much of this is motivated by the rumor of amnesty, as evidenced by the massive spike in illegal border crossings, particularly by children. But one must ask, would passing amnesty even relieve this crisis?"