Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Set the Bible Free!

"That's what I loved. That's what I still love. These stories are beautiful and contagious. They're unexpected and, at times, unexplainable. They're human and bitter -- often more violent than we want them to be and often way more gracious than we could ever imagine. They help us and confound us. We love them and we hate them, but one thing is always true -- once we know them... once we have them... they never, ever leave us.

And the worst thing I can say about the world I live in today is that most people I know don't have them. They may have a church. They may have a Bible. But they don't have these stories.

We have seminaries to help us study these stories.

We have churches to a help us apply these stories.

But what do we have to help us LOVE these stories?

These stories are alive. But they are trapped behind church walls and in leather-bound books on dusty shelves. Imprisoned by theological systems that are running out of their usefulness. They've been taken hostage by haters and bigots and politicians. They've been abused and neutered and disfigured. And worse than all of that, they've been forgotten." MORE

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