Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another Banker Commits Suicide...

"Major world banks are under regulatory scrutiny over their so called “pre-crisis cheating” and multi-billion dollar rigging of benchmark and commodity rates. JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank have been hit the hardest, with JPM being fined a record $4 billion and Deutsche Bank facing a $1.93 billion bill."

Click HERE for full article
"The latest apparent suicide marks the 3rd sudden death at JP Morgan and the 6th in the global financial world in just a few weeks."

Great Pyramid at Giza Vandalized to 'Prove' Conspiracy Theory

"The men are apparently convinced the cartouche identifying Khufu as the creator of the Great Pyramid at Giza is a fake, and they hoped to do an analysis on the pigments to prove they were not as old as the pyramids themselves. In essence, they claimed, pharaoh Khufu simply put his name on (and took credit for) pyramids that had been built thousands of years earlier by people from the legendary city of Atlantis. They accuse mainstream archaeologists of covering up — or willfully ignoring — evidence pointing to non-Egyptian origins of the pyramids."
Click HERE for full article

Another article online states:
"They have since asserted that the fragments support arguments that the construction date of the Pyramids was much older than Khufu's reign."

Monday, February 17, 2014

Enoch: The Great-Grandfather of Noah

In keeping with my recent Noah theme, I wanted to take you back before the flood to the time of Noah's great-grandfather Enoch. The bible only offers a tiny blurb of Enoch's story in scripture.

"And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of Enoch were 365 years. And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." Genesis 5:21-24

"By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." Hebrews 11:5

"And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, 'Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.'" Jude 1:14-15

According to scripture, Enoch lived 365 years and he was so favored by God that he didn't die. Scripture says that God literally "translated" him off the earth. It is widely believed that Enoch was the first person in history ever to be raptured.

It is also speculated that Enoch will be one of the two witnesses mentioned in the book of Revelations, along with the prophet Elijah. Neither of these men had physical deaths on earth. Hebrews 9:27 says that it is appointed for all men to die once, and afterwards to face judgement. This scripture serves as the foundation for the theory that these two men will return to earth to face physical death at the hand of the Antichrist.

So how does Enoch play into the story of Noah? Well, Enoch was around during the time of the flood and he also played an intricate part in the judgement of the fallen angels that we discussed in Genesis 6.

How many of you are familiar with the dead sea scrolls? How many of you are aware that an entire book was found in the dead sea scrolls containing solely the story of Enoch? It's true! In fact, parts of the book have been dated to 300 BC. The interesting part is that the Book of Enoch was considered to be lost until the 17th century. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church had actually preserved the book in their bible! Copies were obtained from the Ethiopian Church and brought to Britain in 1773. The copy found with the dead sea scrolls in 1947 only confirmed the authenticity of the book.

References throughout scripture further authenticate the Book of Enoch and also prove that the ancients, including Christ himself, were very familiar with the Book of Enoch and quoted from it freely. Look at the scripture I listed above (Jude 1:14-15). The prophecy Jude is speaking of is found directly in the Book of Enoch Chapter 1 verse 9. In fact, the entire book of Jude contains many references to Enochian prophesies, and for this specific reason the book came very close to being removed from the Bible by the early church fathers. One church father in particular, Filastrius, was so angered by the contents of the Book of Enoch that he condemned it as heresy. Another Jewish Rabbi, Simeon ben Jochai, in the second century A.D. pronounced a curse upon any who believed in the book. It isn't surprising, then, that anything associated with it, might run the risk of being destroyed.

So what is it about the Book of Enoch that is so mysterious? Why was it left out of the Bible and how did it conveniently get "lost" for thousands of years? The answer lies in the story of Noah. If you haven't been following my posts, you might want to go back and read my previous blog.

The Book of Enoch expounds on the story of a group of corrupt angels who descend to earth on a mountain located in modern day Syria called Mount Hermon.
FUN FACT: Mount Hermon is currently the highest,  permanently manned UN position in the entire world. You think they're waiting for a re-descension? Just sayin'....
According to Enoch, a group of 200 fallen angels, called the Watchers, descend on Mount Hermon. Their leader, Semjaza, wanted to mate with the women but didn't want to take the fall for it, so they all make a pact to follow through with it and not abandon the plan. (Enoch 6:3-5) This is the clippet of Genesis 6 that we've talked about before. The angels mate with the women, taking wives all of which they choose, and the offspring of these encounters became giants, otherwise known as the Nephillim.

The fallen angels taught mankind corrupted versions of the secrets of heaven. They taught them astrology, drug usage and witchcraft. They also taught women the art of cosmetics in order to lure and seduce men, and they taught men the art of war in order to carry out their angelic battles.

At this point, God intervenes and curses the fallen angels, telling them that they will never again be able to come before His throne or enter into the heavenly realm. This strikes overwhelming fear in the angels and they approach Enoch to plead with God for forgiveness on their behalf.

Enoch, taking pity on the fallen angels, travels to heaven and petitions God on their behalf. God rejects the plea and not only orders that the fallen angels be bound in Tartarus for 70 generations until the time of judgement, but He also places a curse on their descendants as well. Since the Nephillim were born of "spiritual" fathers and earthly mothers, God forbids even the giants from having access to heaven. Upon their death, their spirits were condemned to roam the earth unsatisfied. God labeled them "evil spirits".

According to the Book of Enoch, the angel to whom God ascribed the entire crime, was Azazel. He ordered that Azazel be bound and buried in the desert until the time of judgement. Here, we find another area where scripture corroborates the Book of Enoch.

In Leviticus 16:8-10, the Hebrew Bible says, "And Aaron shall place lots upon the two he goats: one lot "For the Lord," and the other lot, "For Azazel." And Aaron shall bring the he goat upon which the lot, "For the Lord," came up, and designate it as a sin offering. And the he goat upon which the lot "For Azazel" came up, shall be placed while still alive, before the Lord, to [initiate] atonement upon it, and to send it away to Azazel, into the desert."

Other translations rename the Azazel goat, the "scapegoat". Moses was to sacrifice one goat to the Lord as an offering, and he was to cast all sin on the scapegoat and run it off a cliff in the desert "to Azazel".

In the end, because everything had been corrupted by the angels, God causes a great flood to wipe the slate clean. Noah was pure in his generations, and for that purpose alone, he and his family were spared.

Let me share some of my personal thoughts with you on the story of Enoch, the fallen angels and the giants. Even though this story was denounced by the Christian church and removed from the canonized scriptures, it may have actually carried on in other areas of history. Some of which, are very well known...

  • Most cultures throughout history have a story of a major flood.
  • Some archaeologists believe that the highly advanced and yet mythological city of Atlantis possibly existed in the pre-flood world. Could the technological advances of Atlantis been a direct link to heavenly secrets that they were given at the time? (What about the Mayans and their superb knowledge of mathematics?)
  • There is also a theory circulating that after the great flood, the evil spirits of the giants re-descended to earth in Greece. The legend lived on in the stories of the 'gods' and 'demi-gods' of Greek Mythology. Even though the story was denounced in Christianity, it became a well known religion on another part of the globe. Coincidence?
  • According to the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels were bound in a place called Tartarus. Recognize the name? It's the same place that the Titans were imprisoned according to Greek mythology. The Titans were considered immortal giants of incredible strength. They were considered the first race of demi-gods, and were eventually overthrown by a younger race of demi-gods known as the Olympians.
  • Here's another fun fact: God cursed the fallen angels to be bound for 70 generations "until the time of judgement". If you count 70 generations from Enoch, you reach Jesus Christ. 
  • Scripture tells us that Nimrod was the first person to take on the Nephillim traits post-flood. Genesis 10:8 says that Nimrod began to be a "mighty one". This is the same type of "mighty" that was mentioned in Genesis 6, when it talked about the giants being known as "mighty men of old". It also just so happens that Nimrod was trying to build a portal into the heavenly realm, which God ceased.
  • In the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels taught mankind the art of drug usage and witchcraft. Could this have been the origination of the occult? Possibly their attempt to teach mankind how to conjure up their descendants which God cursed as demonic spirits?
  • By conjuring up these demonic entities through witchcraft, is it possible that we, in modern times, are bringing back the very forces that were on the earth at the time when God caused the great flood? Scope out my previous blog on the occult practices happening in modern times.
"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be with the coming of the Son of man." Matthew 24:37

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The History Behind Noah's Flood

In the spirit of the upcoming Noah film, I wanted to ask you a history question....

How many of you know the true reason why God caused the flood? 

Here is what Genesis tells us:

"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them." Genesis 6:5-7

According to scripture, God saw that the "the wickedness of man was great" and He actually regretted that he had created man.

How can a loving and gracious God, spend so much time and consideration towards creating something and then one day wake up and decide to destroy it? Does that make sense to you?

Here's the part that breaks my heart: There are people who read this passage of scripture, draw the same conclusion and then close the book without ever pressing further for an answer.

Let me be the first to tell you... there IS a logical answer.... and I believe that it lies in the verses immediately prior to what we just read. A convenient little passage of scripture that is very often overlooked, and very much surrounded in controversy.

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:1-4

Let's break this down, shall we? Who are these sons of God? Where did they come from? It seems like just a few chapters ago, we were basking in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve as the only inhabitants of earth.

There is actually a lot of speculation about who these "sons of God" were. Some believe that the term "sons of God" refers to the men of earth, possibly the sons of Cain. Remember that guy? The one who killed his brother Abel, became an outcast and was forced to wander the wilderness with a sign on his forehead?

Some people translate these first verses of Genesis 6 to mean that the sons of Cain intermingled with the daughters of Seth (the third son of Adam) and then brought forth a genetically deformed race of giant children. This seems like a logical explanation and a very safe assumption.

But there's another theory... one that is a little more far-fetched, a lot less safe... but one that can actually be traced throughout scripture. It is a widely held belief that the phrase "sons of God" is a direct reference to angels.

Let's compare scripture to scripture and I'll let you draw your own conclusion:

Job 1:6:

"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them." KJV

"One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them." NIV

Job 38:7:

"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" KJV

"While the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?" NIV 

Daniel 3:25:

"He answered and said, 'Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.'" KJV

"He said, "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."" NIV

"Then why do I see four men walking around in the fire?" he asked. "They are not tied up, and they show no sign of being hurt - and the fourth one looks like an angel." GNT

According to these scriptures, it becomes apparent that the phrase "sons of God" is directly inter-changeable with the word "angels". You find this all throughout scripture. Lets re-read the first verses of Genesis 6 with words interchanged:

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the angels saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose....... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the angels came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." 

WOW. That really blows scripture wide open, doesn't it?! The scripture is clearly stating that angels (which we can assume are corrupt) mated with the women of earth and together they bore giant children who become known as the "mighty men of old".

The very next scripture says, "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."

It appears that the wickedness God saw, was in direct correlation to these fallen angels mating with the women of earth and corrupting the population. More specifically, corrupting the lineage of God's chosen people. That makes a little more sense, now, doesn't it? It's still a big pill to swallow... but it helps us to have a better understanding of why God would want to destroy such corruption from the face of the earth.

So now the question becomes... why couldn't He just kill off the corrupted? Why did He have to kill everyone?? The bible has an answer for that one too. Let's look at the next verse:

"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9

Let's hone in on the word "perfect". "Noah was perfect in his generations." Strongs 08549 defines "perfect" as "un-defiled, un-impaired, without blemish, whole". Basically, he was genetically pure. According to God, Noah and his family were the only ones worthy of being saved.

That helps puts things a little more in perspective, right? Make sense? Dont get me wrong, it's a mind-blowing twist to a story that we grew up knowing by heart. It blows the roof off of scripture. But on the other hand, it offers a different perspective, a missing piece of the puzzle which helps us clarify the bigger picture.

As you dig deeper into scripture, you will discover that hints of the giants and the corruption of angels mating with humans is found sprinkled throughout the Bible. Ever read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? Lot had to hide the angels in his house to keep the townsmen from trying to rape them. Go read the story! Genesis 19. Once again, God destroyed the city in an attempt to rid the corruption.

Hear me clearly - there is a part of history that has been hidden, and it just so happens to be the piece of the puzzle that opens our eyes to see the bigger picture.
"You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

NOAH: The Movie (2014)

Have you guys seen the new trailer for the upcoming movie Noah starring Russell Crowe? I have to be honest with you... I love when Hollywood picks stories from the Bible to present on the big screen.

Will it follow scripture exactly? Probably not. Will it have a super spiritual aspect that sends people running to the nearest church for repentance? I doubt it. Does any of that really matter? Well... yes and no.

On the one hand, it is important for people to hear as close to the truth as possible. It shouldn't be something that contradicts what is widely known in the biblical account. On the other hand, it exposes people to a whole different side of the story. Scripture comes alive, and because the movie is made in Hollywood, it tends to reach people who may not even own a Bible, much less have a desire to read the story for themselves.

In the great scheme of things, it's all about spreading the gospel, and I'm a great believer that God uses any means necessary. "All things work together for the good of those who love God, and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

I think it's going to be an amazing movie and I also think that it's going to give a very fascinating perspective of what Noah could have dealt with in the days and minutes leading up to the flood.

There is a very raw 'reality' aspect to the movie that you just don't get in the Biblical account. It gives us a better understanding of the intensity of the judgement of the flood and also portrays the power of God to wipe corruption from the earth and yet protect His people in the process.

FUN FACT: Did you know that practically every culture on planet earth has a story of a mighty flood? This makes the Biblical account seem a little less like an innocent story used to decorate nursery rooms, and little more like a legitimate historical account of a very real event that affected an entire globe.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

JP Morgan Executive Becomes 5th Banker to Die in Last 2 Weeks

What in the world is happening with all these banking executives committing suicide??

One was a JP Morgan executive who jumped to his death from the top of the European bank's headquarters. The second was a Deutsche Bank senior manager who was found hanging in his home. A third, chief executive at Russell Investments, conveniently "fell down a 50 foot embankment". A fourth, founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado apparently shot himself with a nail gun.

Little has been shared about the most recent fatality.

Here's a quote from the article that I found very interesting:
"Some have speculated that the deaths could be a precursor to a major financial collapse, although no hard evidence of a connection has been forthcoming."
Click HERE for full article

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Approaching Iranian Warships Raise EMP Threat

What rock have I been hiding under? I haven't heard anything about this! When did Iran threaten to position warships off the coast of the United States?
"National security experts have expressed alarm over the announcement by Iran that it will position its warships off the coast of the United States, from where they could launch a nuclear warhead to explode at high altitude to create an electromagnetic pulse. That could knock the American electrical grid out of commission, disrupting supplies of energy, food, communications, fuel and more for a long period."

Click HERE for full article

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Video of the Week: Building 429, Always

Was driving home today and this song came on the radio. Broke my heart into pieces. I found myself with tears streaming down my face.

Regardless of what happens in the future - we must always remember that God has SUCH a deep love for us. He promised to never leave us or forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:6

I have to wonder with the overwhelming sympathy I felt in my heart while listening to this song.... how much MORE sympathy does God have for those that are innocent, those that are hurting, those that are homeless, those that are broken? ..... and how much MORE must it hurt His heart to see His children struggling and hopeless, lost and defeated?

We have to remember that God is full of compassion and mercy - and that the same emotion that overtakes us and makes us want to wrap our arms around others and encourage them and love on them... is something that He gave to us, and something that He feels even stronger about. He loves us to an overwhelming degree. He knows every hair on our head and every desire in our hearts. He knows what is coming tomorrow, and He is still in control.
"I believe always, always our Savior never fails. Even when all hope is gone, God knows our pain and his promise remains. He will be with you always."

'Divine Wrath of God' Threat on Kerry's Head

Oh, ya'll.... I feel like we're back in the days of Elijah - warring against Jezebel's prophets of baal. These Rabbi's are about to call fire down from heaven on Kerry and the US for instigating a peace treaty that splits the holy land. I posted an article last week about the thousands of Israelis who were praying at the Western Wall for this peace treaty to fall through.

This week, they're bringing out the big guns!
"By the power of our Holy Torah, we admonish you to cease immediately all efforts to achieve these disastrous agreements – in order to avoid severe Heavenly punishment for everyone involved. Your incessant efforts to expropriate integral parts of our Holy Land and hand them over to Abbas’ terrorist gang, amount to a declaration of war against the Creator and Ruler of the universe. For G-d awarded the entire Land of Israel to our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in order that they bequeath it, as an everlasting inheritance, to their descendants, the Jewish people, until the end of all time," a group of Israeli rabbis wrote Kerry in a letter on Sunday.

They mean serious business guys. This is a serious threat, some are even calling it a "death curse". In fact, the last time a curse of this type was put on a world leader - he fell into a coma that lasted 9 years and died just last month. Arial Sharon.

This week’s letter with the threat of divine judgment is being noticed by Carl Gallups, author of The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime. “This is the same type of curse that was put on [former Israeli Prime Minister] Ariel Sharon,” Gallups told WND. Last month, Sharon died after spending nine years in a coma. A “death curse” by a group of rabbis in Israel was issued against Sharon for the action. Sharon suffered a serious stroke Jan. 4, 2006, and was comatose until his death.
Click HERE for full article

Click HERE for full article